How to start a blog and make money online - Part 1


Embarking on the journey of creating a successful blog starts with choosing the right platform. In this first part, we will explore the ins and outs of one of the most beginner-friendly blogging platforms - Blogger.

What is Blogger?

Blogger, owned by Google, is a free and user-friendly platform that allows individuals to create and publish their blogs without the need for extensive technical skills. Launched in 1999, Blogger has evolved into a versatile tool, catering to both beginners and experienced bloggers.

Key Features of Blogger:

1. Ease of Use:

Blogger is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible for those new to the blogging scene. The interface is intuitive, and setting up a blog requires minimal technical knowledge.

2. Free Hosting:

One of the standout features is that Blogger offers free hosting for your blog. This means you don't need to worry about finding external hosting services when you're just starting.

3. Customization Options:

While not as extensive as some other platforms, Blogger still provides various customization options. You can choose from a range of templates, customize layouts, and even add your own CSS for a personalized touch.

4. Integration with Google Services:

Given its affiliation with Google, Blogger seamlessly integrates with other Google services. This includes easy integration with Google AdSense, which we'll explore in a later part of this series.

5. Security and Reliability:

Being hosted on Google's servers provides a level of security and reliability. Your blog is less susceptible to downtime, and you benefit from the robust infrastructure of a tech giant.

Setting Up Your Blogger Account:

Now, let's walk through the steps of setting up your Blogger account:

1. Sign Up:

If you already have a Google account, you can use it to sign in to Blogger. If not, you'll need to create one.

2. Create a Blog:

Once signed in, click on the "Create a blog" button. Choose a title name for your blog.

3. Choose your blog address:

after choosing your blog title/display name, choose your blog address/URL for public.

4. Your blogger dashboard:

after completing your signup or name steps you enter your blogger dashboard. 

Here are some features on the left side.

1. New Post: In this, you can create your new blog or publish it to the public.

2. Stats: In this, you can view your website or blog analytics or performance which blog or website page views increase or decrease.

3. Comments: In this, you can see your audience comment who comments on your blogs or what they say. 

4. Earning: After completing blogger terms and conditions you can also apply for AdSense to run ads on your website or earn money.

5. Pages: Here you can create your website pages. like about us, contact us, terms & conditions,s, etc.

6. Layout: Here you can design your website layout or make this unique or attractive.

7. Theme: In this, you can select blogger pre-maid website templates or you can also upload your theme or backup.

8. Settings: In this, you can set your website for the Google search engine to show your website public or increase traffic on your website. 

9. Reading List: In this, you can read some public new or popular blogs or some new features that are coming in the future.

10. View blog: In this, you can see your live website.


Blogger provides an excellent starting point for aspiring bloggers, offering simplicity and integration with Google services. In the next part of this series, we'll delve into the intricacies of blog setup and publishing on Blogger. Stay tuned for more insights on your path to creating a successful blog and making money online!

In this blog, we learn what is blogger or how to create a blog website or see some features of blogger. 

In the next blog, we learn all the settings of website. They help us to increase your website traffic or management. 

I hope this blog is useful to you. Comment your experience. See you in the next blog.